Why don't ordinary affirmations work?

Everyone knows that affirmations are one of the most popular and simple tools for boosting self-confidence and achieving success.

But many people don't even realize why in reality they turn out to be not as effective as they might seem at first glance.

1. Affirmations have a temporary effect.

By reciting or listening to affirmations, we enter a trance state. Imagining a rich and happy life, we release happiness and pleasure hormones such as serotonin and dopamine.

In such moments, it seems that we can move mountains. In this state, it is indeed possible to achieve great results.

But if we don't get the desired result quickly, a relapse occurs. The body has expended the necessary hormones and is no longer able to achieve the goal.

The first thing that starts happening is motivation disappears. It becomes difficult to get out of bed, the desired goal stops bringing joy, hope is lost, and often bad moods and even depression appear.

As a result, we not only fail to achieve the desired goal, but we also undermine our psychological attitude.

2. Affirmations have difficulty penetrating the subconscious

Affirmations are positive statements that need to be embedded in your subconscious mind. But the problem is that they always contradict past negative experiences.

The conscious mind immediately has a defensive reaction and automatically rejects positive attitudes, blocking the effect of affirmations.

For example, if you were listening to or reading affirmations to become rich, and they contained statements like "I am a rich and successful person," your conscious mind would respond: "What nonsense, I'm poor and I don't like my job."

3. The effect of affirmations is limited

Affirmations have limited potential, changing only our thought process and emotional behavior.

They do not rid us of the deep subconscious programs that prevent us from living a happy and harmonious life.

They only help us think more positively for a while.

The shortest path to happiness: subliminals

Undoubtedly, affirmations have their place, but listening to subliminals is a simpler and more effective way to take your life to a new level.
And here's why:

1. The effect of subliminals is long-lasting

As a result of working with the subconscious, subliminals fundamentally change the habitual structure of thoughts, beliefs and reactions, permanently freeing you from deep-rooted limiting patterns of thinking and behavior.

Subliminal messages can also replace years of therapy with psychologists and coaches.

2. Subliminals penetrate deep into the subconscious

Thanks to the psychological impact of certain sound stimuli, subliminals bypass critical thinking and easily penetrate deep into the subconscious.

This happens because:

- Hidden affirmations are recorded at a certain frequency
- Binaural rhythms synchronize both hemispheres of the brain
- Meditative music makes it easier to enter a special receptive state of consciousness

3. Subliminals are highly effective

Subliminal messaging technology has a wide range of applications.

With its help, a person not only notes spiritual and mental growth, frees themselves from conventional behavioral strategies, the burden of the past, expands their level of self-knowledge and awareness, improves mental and emotional health, but also easily quits bad habits, transforming unconscious habits into conscious ones, enhances cognitive skills, and also effortlessly changes taste preferences, thereby transforming their figure into their dream body without stress on the body.

The influence of subliminals on a person's life is hard to overestimate. Moreover, there are many scientific studies and experiments proving the real effect of subliminals.