How to enter the flow state with meditation and neuro-subliminals

The brain accounts for only 2% of the total body mass, yet it consumes 20% of the energy.

Modern brain neuroimaging technology allows us to see where our energy is spent, how we think and what we feel.

In 2001, neurology discovered two modes of brain operation:
1. The Default Mode Network (DMN)
2. The Task Positive Network (TPN)

At any given moment, our brain is in one of these two networks.

From 2001 to 2006, 12 scientific papers were published on this topic. From 2007 to 2014, their number increased to 1,384 papers. At present, there are already several thousand of them.

Scientific research and discoveries continue to grow to this day.

Why do we often suffer?

When we are not focused on a specific task – regretting the past, worrying about the future, i.e. not being in the present moment – the DMN network becomes activated.

Usually these thoughts sound like:

"It's not even worth trying, I won't succeed anyway"
"My life would be different if I had acted differently back then"
"I'm so ugly, who would want to be with me"
"I had a bad childhood, so I won't be able to achieve much"
"I'll never have a successful, rich and beautiful life like others"

Research has shown that we spend most of the day in the DMN mode, feeling bored at home, at work or at school, not giving our full attention to the process itself.

Since we hardly control our minds, negative thoughts often come to us, causing anxiety about past and upcoming events.

Statistically, a person spends a third of their life in pleasant thoughts, while spending most of the time in stress, anxiety or a neutral state.

Strong DMN activity causes diseases such as autism, schizophrenia, depression, attention deficit disorder and chronic pain.

Excessive activation of the default mode over time leads to an accumulation of the beta-amyloid peptide, which forms amyloid plaques in the same area of the brain where the DMN network is located, leading to senile dementia (usually starting at 65) and Alzheimer's disease.

The DMN is a wandering "monkey mind", and it is not designed to make us happy.

How to get rid of suffering once and for all?

When we are fully engaged in the process, the opposite TPN network becomes activated.

Strong activation of the TPN mode induces a flow state. You may have experienced this before. In the flow, we feel and act at our best. The ego dissolves, and the task we are performing absorbs us so completely that the sense of time and space completely disappears.

Decision-making happens effortlessly. Everything happens as if by itself.

In addition, the flow also has a number of the following advantages:

  • Greater enjoyment and satisfaction in life
  • Excellent emotional state
  • Constant feeling of happiness
  • Greater intrinsic motivation
  • Full engagement
  • High efficiency
  • Rapid learning and skill development
  • Spontaneity and creativity

Moreover, our inner critic shuts off.

When this happens, real magic occurs - we instantly start to feel free from ourselves. As a result, creativity and determination increase to the maximum. We feel invincible.

In fact, in the flow state, we do things that, in our opinion, far exceed our capabilities.

That's why the flow is considered the most pleasant and desirable state.

Interestingly, during meditation, the DMN turns off while the TPN activates. Stress hormones and inflammatory chemical processes decrease. We begin to feel harmony and peace.

Those who meditate for a long time exhibit TPN activity, even if they are not focused on tasks.

The perfect Oasis formula is subliminals + mindfulness meditation.

Mindfulness is the simple practice of open attention to what is happening to us in the present moment, without judgment, condemnation or criticism.
It calms the mind and maximally activates the TPN network.

Listening to a subliminal from this state makes the subconscious maximally receptive to the hidden positive attitudes embedded in the relaxing music of the audio program.

Thanks to our subliminals, your consciousness leaves behind old, cyclical negative thoughts.

This frees up a large amount of energy for a full and happy life.