Listen to the subliminal

for weight loss and an ideal figure

"The body of your dreams"

Become slim and attractive in 21 days with hidden affirmations

You are one step away from possessing the elixir for weight loss that can melt away excess fat, speed up your metabolism, and give you the slim, toned ideal dream body.

The weight loss subliminal will free you from torturous diets and grueling workouts, tuning your body for natural fat burning and healthy eating habits.

Introducing - the "Body of your dreams" neuro-subliminal, an innovative technology for a comprehensive transformation of your body and lifestyle to an ideal slim figure!

From the very first sessions of listening to the weight loss subliminal, you'll notice amazing changes in how you feel and look on your journey to a slim body.

Multi-level affirmations and sound waves of specific frequencies will gently retune your mind to the new reality - of slimness, lightness, and boundless energy of an ideal slim body.

You'll feel your body literally "wake up" and start working at full power, shedding toxins and excess pounds thanks to the weight loss subliminal.

Cravings for unhealthy food and overeating will melt away before your eyes, giving way to the natural desire to eat properly and intuitively listen to your body's needs.

Example of success from a listener

As the transformative messages of the weight loss subliminal penetrate deeper into your subconscious, the process of metamorphosis to an ideal slim body will gain momentum.

Excess inches will literally evaporate from your waist and hips, helping you lose weight to a beautiful slim figure, while cellulite dissolves without a trace.

Your skin will become firmer and more elastic, and your muscles will be toned and sculpted, even without grueling workouts - all thanks to the weight loss subliminal!

Gradually in the mirror, you'll start to see the body you've always dreamed of - slim, graceful, and radiating health and attractiveness.

By listening to the weight loss subliminal regularly, you'll initiate a deep restructuring of your habits and mindsets around eating, exercise, and self-care.

Instead of fighting yourself and depriving yourself of life's joys, you'll naturally start choosing what's nourishing and beneficial for your slim body.

Exercise and an active lifestyle will become your new passion, bringing pleasure and joy instead of a sense of obligation, helping you maintain your ideal figure.

And most importantly - all these changes will come to you with unprecedented ease thanks to the weight loss subliminal, as if you're simply remembering your true, ideal self!

This subliminal is suitable if you:

  • Suffer from a slow metabolism
  • Struggle to lose weight
  • Have thyroid hormone issues
  • Regain weight quickly after losing it
  • Think you have "big bones"
  • Suffer from cellulite
  • Want to regain slimness after childbirth
  • Have "tried everything"
  • Have a genetic predisposition to obesity

As a result of listening, you will:

  • Achieve a healthy metabolism
  • Be able to eat anything without gaining weight
  • Look younger and more beautiful
  • Attain a slim waist and cellulite-free slim body
  • Gain proper fat and blood sugar balance
  • Normalize blood pressure
  • Lower cholesterol levels
  • Get rid of stress and depression
  • Improve brain function
  • Increase self-confidence
  • Raise your income and social status

Can you really lose weight and get the dream body just by listening to an audio? It sounds too good to be true.


The neuro-subliminal programming method works at the subconscious level, transforming deep-seated attitudes and behavior patterns.

As numerous studies show, it is our subconscious impulses that determine up to 90% of our lives, including eating habits and metabolism.

By reprogramming your mind for slimness, you unleash a powerful natural mechanism of fat burning and rejuvenation!


I've already tried tons of diets and weight loss methods, but the weight always came back. How is this subliminal different from other approaches?


Unlike short-term diets, the neuro-subliminal works at the deepest level of consciousness, changing the very way you think about and respond to food and physical activity.

You get rid not just of the symptoms of excess weight, but of its root cause - negative food programming.

This means you attain slimness easily and naturally, without stressing your body and risking regaining the weight.


How soon will I see the first results? I'm afraid of being disappointed by yet another weight loss method.


The first positive changes become noticeable within the first few weeks of use - you'll feel an energy boost, lightness, and reduced appetite.

And the visual weight loss results will become obvious after 3-4 weeks of regular listening, amplifying with each passing day.

The definition of your figure, healthy glowing skin, and admiring compliments from those around you will be the best proof of the method's effectiveness!

Listener result

A fragment of the hidden affirmations from this subliminal:

  • I enjoy my slim, healthy and attractive body

  • When I look in the mirror, I see muscles forming and my body taking on beautiful shapes

  • I let go of excess weight and what I no longer need

  • I have a high metabolism that allows me to eat as much as I want

  • I feel slim and light

  • I easily, effortlessly and simply shed excess weight

  • I happily accept compliments from others about my figure

  • I allow love and wellbeing to fill every cell of my body

  • I have a flat stomach and a firm butt

  • I am attractive and worthy of all that is beautiful

Are you ready to say "yes" to the body of your dreams with the weight loss subliminal?

Are you ready to say "yes" to the body of your dreams with the weight loss subliminal?
Think about how your life will change when excess weight and insecurities about your figure are forever in the past. What would it be like to wake up every day in a body that you truly love and are proud of?

To enjoy the lightness of movement, the elegance of your silhouette, and the admiring glances of those around you? To radiate irresistibility, self-confidence and endless charm that attracts the most deserving people and amazing opportunities to you?

All this will become your reality thanks to the weight loss subliminal - and much sooner than you can imagine!

But here's the question - are you truly ready to give yourself this luxurious life in the body of your dreams with the weight loss subliminal?

Or will you put off your ideal wellbeing and appearance "for later" again, settling for half-measures and repeating worn-out excuses?

Is it worth sacrificing your health, beauty and self-confidence, when the solution in the form of the weight loss subliminal is right before your eyes?

It's time to choose the best version of yourself. Say a firm "no" to excess weight and "yes" to a body worthy of a magazine cover!

The "Body of Your Dreams" weight loss subliminal is your ticket to a reality of boundless possibilities, where you are the undisputed star and object of admiration.

Just 30 minutes a day of pleasant practice with the weight loss subliminal, and you won't even notice how you achieve fantastic results in record time.

And most importantly, this result will stay with you forever, because you won't just get rid of those extra pounds, but also change the very program of your thinking and attitude towards your body!

So what are you waiting for? Press "play" on the weight loss subliminal right now and allow the magical transformation to begin.

Believe me, in a few months, looking at your flawless reflection of a slim, toned body in the mirror, you'll thank yourself immensely for this fateful decision to lose weight to your dream figure with the subliminal.

After all, you deserve the very best - period! Choose the "Body of Your Dreams" weight loss subliminal - and allow the world to see you in all the magnificence of your natural beauty and grace!
Warning: Side effects from listening to the weight loss subliminal may include a sharp increase in self-esteem and self-respect thanks to your ideal slim body, an uncontrollable desire to buy clothes several sizes smaller after weight loss, and an inevitable increase in your attractiveness in the eyes of the opposite sex due to your beautiful slim figure.

Be prepared to become the brightest and most desirable version of yourself with an ideal beautiful body thanks to the weight loss subliminal!

And if such a prospect doesn't inspire you - well, you can always go back to your usual excuses and excess pounds instead of weight loss. It's your choice!

Example of success from a listener

How to use?

Turn it on and relax
Just listen to the subliminal and go about your business
Your transformation begins
Hidden affirmations automatically reprogram your subconscious
Start getting results
Your life begins to change and you see the desired transformations

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All subliminals
Lifetime access to 20 premium Oasis neuro subliminals

Rapid improvement in all areas of life at once

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"The body of your dreams"
Premium neuro subliminal

High sound quality

Device Friendly


Suitable for women and men

7 day money back guarantee

(Available only as part of the ALL AT ONCE package)
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